Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Taking your bike for a ride
Robert Stewart was allegedly caught in the act by two terrified cleaners who walked into his bedroom in a hostel.
Stewart has denied the accusation, claiming it was caused by a misunderstanding after he had too much to drink.
The 51-year-old bachelor was charged with the bizarre sexual offence after he was disturbed by the cleaner and her colleague in a private hostel in Ayr.
The charge alleges he conducted himself in a disorderly manner, simulated sex with a bicycle and continued to do so while naked from the waist down in the presence of two female employees.
Stewart had been living in the Aberley House hostel from October 2006 after moving from his council house in Girvan, Ayrshire.
He moved after a separate sex complaint to which he has pleaded not guilty at Ayr Sheriff Court.
Sam's unseen but highly recommended movie suggestion !

Yo-Yo Girl Cop ...
K (pop starlette Aya Matsuura; blood type: B! favorite color: pink! favorite food: cookie dough ice cream!) is living on the mean streets of New York City and she's so dangerous that the NYPD deports her to Japan. There she meets up with Kira (Riki Takeuichi) a Japanese cop who wants her to go undercover in a local high school that has started generating lesbian, schoolgirl suicide bombers. K finally agrees and receives her weapon of choice: a razor-sharp yo-yo that keeps bonking her in the head every time she tries to use it. Too bad, because the alpha mean girl at the school, Reika (pop starlette, Rika Ishikawa (Blood type: A! Favorite color: pink! Dislikes: birds!) is also...a terrorist.
Tooth and claw girl fights to settle the fate of the world! High school soapoperatics that result in suicide bombings! Warehouse shoot-outs! Yo-yobattle! Remove your brain and place it somewhere safe before attending thisflick, and prepare to be marinated in 99 minutes of kitsch pop cultureapocalyptic noise that plays like Hello Kitty meets 24.
TRIVIA: Aya Matsuura, along with Maki Fujimoto, is GAM - a bubblegum pop duo that performed the YO-YO GIRL COP's main theme song. GAM is one of the many female groups created by producer/sonwriter Tsunku, under the umbrella of the Hello! Project.
Here Tsunku' provides some insights into what GAM is all about: "...the theme for these two is to deliver song which radiates from their legs and echoes within your heart! lets do that! A unit which sings a cool song with a dress that attracts people with their 'beautiful wonderful legs' is what we're aiming for!"
"Directed by Kenta Fukasaku, son of Kinji (Battle Royale), this 'trash-tastic guilty pleasure' pits the eponymous heroine against a high-school conspiracy of lesbian suicide bombers. Arigato, NYAFF!" - Nathan Lee, the Village Voice
"...brings to life a common teenage fantasy of defying various adult authority figures, putting the fear of God into one's enemies - and doing really neat stuff with a yo-yo." Mark Schilling, Japan Times
Coked up corn field carnage

They were made by a drug user who was attempting to escape from police in his father's car. The man had been using cocaine.
Four police cars were damaged in a desperate attempt to prevent the crazed driver from reaching public roads, but they could not save the crop from irrepairable damage.
In the end, the man was captured when he crashed the car into a ditch.
Monday, 25 June 2007
Skating at the Bowl

According to someone on Wiki (not me) the park is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere .. which if true, really speaks volumes about the crappy state of parks on this side of the globe.
Them kids got some elite skills .. Pics/Vid coming shortly.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Crazy Man loves himself too much
Defence lawyers for Kylie Louise Wilson, 28, said the mother of two "lost it" when her friend of six years, Daniel Peter Blair, went on a masturbation marathon on April 6 last year.
Brisbane's District Court this morning heard Mr Blair had showed up at Wilson's Birkdale unit, in Redland Shire, where he took amphetamines before having a shower.
Whilst in the bathroom, Mr Blair, 32, began pleasuring himself, before moving to Wilson's bedroom, where he rolled around naked on her bed and continued his lewd conduct.
He returned to the bathroom for more and was busted by Wilson, who was attempting to bath her three-and-a-half year-old daughter.
The court heard Mr Blair refused her repeated requests to stop, prompting her to fetch a knife from the kitchen which she used to stab him twice in the left shoulder.
Crown prosecutors said Mr Blair paused only to put on his shorts and flee outside to wait for police to arrive, but was again overcome by the urge.
"Despite his injury, it seems (Mr Blair) continued to masturbate while in the garage," the prosecutor said.
Police took him to hospital where he received treatment for the minor stab wounds.
Wilson pleaded guilty to one count each of unlawful wounding and wilful damage.
Her defence barrister, Mark Johnson, said Wilson regarded Mr Blair as a "tolerably decent person" when he was not using drugs, but had become "extremely protective" of her daughter under the circumstances.
"He was in and out and round about, doing this sort of thing all over the house, " Mr Johnson said.
"She just lost it, to put it crudely."
Senior Judge Gilbert Trafford Walker accepted the Crown's submission that Wilson had been subjected to "grossly offensive conduct ... which in a moral sense amounts to extreme provocation."
He sentenced her to nine months' jail but ordered that she be immediately released on parole.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Wheelchair Stuntman !!

Thursday, 7 June 2007
Legal Alcohol for Kids !!!
Wed Jun 6, 9:56 AM ET
Dutch students have developed powdered alcohol which they say can be sold legally to minors.
The latest innovation in inebriation, called Booz2Go, is available in 20-gramme packets that cost 1-1.5 euros (70 pence-1 pound).
Top it up with water and you have a bubbly, lime-coloured and -flavoured drink with just 3 percent alcohol content.
"We are aiming for the youth market. They are really more into it because you can compare it with Bacardi-mixed drinks," 20-year-old Harm van Elderen told Reuters.
Van Elderen and four classmates at Helicon Vocational Institute, about an hour's drive from Amsterdam, came up with the idea as part of their final-year project.
"Because the alcohol is not in liquid form, we can sell it to people below 16," said project member Martyn van Nierop.
The legal age for drinking alcohol and smoking is 16 in the Netherlands.
In Germany, alcopops -- sweet drinks containing alcohol and in powder form -- caused quite a stir when launched on to the market. Alcohol powder, classified as a flavouring, was sold in the United States three years ago.
The students said companies interested in making the product commercially could avoid taxes because the alcohol was in powder form. A number of companies are interested, they said.